
How to Collect Positive Testimonials for your Ecommerce Courier Service

By | Sep 18, 2019 |0 Comments

Remember the time when shopping meant going to a local shop, choosing a product from their limited collection, and completely relying on the information given by the vendor about the product? There was simply no way to confirm or refute this information.

Meanwhile, today’s customer is always connected. They are surrounded by information and choices – regarding the product type, variety, quality, logistics, prices, etc – in order to make an informed decision when shopping. One of the most common ways that an online shopper uses to check about a brand and its services is to read the customer testimonials. Most online shoppers take full advantage of this provision and research well before finalising on a brand and a product. 

As an online seller, you have to ensure that you collect positive reviews for every aspect of your services. Yes, you read it right – every single aspect of your online store; ranging from your website to your ecommerce courier service. Most online sellers strategize on creating a user-friendly website and providing quality goods and overlook one of the crucial aspects of generating positive customer experience – shipping. Don’t believe us? Wondering why shipping is important for generating positive testimonials? Let’s explain in detail.

Why positive testimonials are crucial for your ecommerce courier service?

  • Increasing brand image and transparency

As mentioned previously, it has now become a practise for online shoppers to do extensive research about a product and a brand before making a purchase. Which means that a negative review of your logistics can be very harmful for your brand reputation. Whereas, a positive review can increase customer trust. This is particularly essential for a small business enterprise that is still trying to gain an edge in the online world. 

  • Increasing conversion rates

Your potential customers are more likely to trust the testimonials of your former customers than your marketing content. Which means the more the positive reviews, the higher the chances of conversions. 

  • Improving online reputation 

Higher visibility on the internet is an essential aspect for the growth of any online business. So, get your customers to write positive testimonials for your ecommerce courier service. This will help boost your online presence and website ranking.

How to collect testimonials for your courier service?

Now that you have an understanding of the importance of positive reviews, the major question remains – how to collect those reviews. Most customers shy away from the idea of writing reviews unless they are extremely impressed or extremely disappointed. However, there are a few ways in which you can try to collect positive feedback on your delivery services. Here are a few tricks of the trade to get your customer to do the talking. 

  • Ask them right after the delivery

There’s no better time to eat a cookie than when it is fresh out of the oven. The same goes with the feedback on your logistics. The best time to talk about your courier service is right after the delivery. Make it a habit to send automated emails immediately, since the purchase will be fresh in their mind. These emails can serve two purposes – confirm the delivery & collect feedback on the delivery. Remember, feedback about the product should not be immediately asked, since the customer might not have unboxed the package, or used the product. 

If possible, you can directly contact your customers and give a call to enquire about the delivery by your ecommerce courier service. This is also an opportunity for  a complete feedback and provides a personal touch to the shopping experience. 

  • Offer rewards for writing testimonials

Offering gifts and discount coupons are effective ways of collecting feedback from your customers. This will not only encourage them to provide reviews about your brand and your delivery services but also increase brand loyalty and repeat purchases.


How to collect ‘positive’ testimonials for your courier service?

Once you have formulated the strategies for collecting feedback and reviews from your customers, you have now reached an even bigger dilemma – ensuring that those testimonials about your logistics are mostly positive. Remember, the key to collecting positive reviews is simply providing an unforgettable delivery experience. There are no shortcuts here – just make sure that your customer has received everything he/she was expecting in good condition and the shortest period possible. You can exceed expectations by adding small gifts, messages or other surprises related to their purchase. Here are a few ways in which you can ensure a positive customer experience through your delivery service: 

  • Delivery process starts right from the point of order

That’s right! Shipping is not just about sending your products through an ecommerce courier service. Most customers now expect multiple delivery options clearly displayed on the checkout page. 

  • Real-time tracking for increased transparency

Enabling your customers with the power to keep track of their orders can work wonders for your brand. It not only increases customer trust but goes a long way in reducing customer anxiety and increasing customer satisfaction. 

  • Increase proactive communication at every step of order fulfilment

Good customer communication throughout the delivery process can help in setting clear expectations about order arrivals or delays. Communicating such relevant information about your logistics can help minimise the potential for order cancellations.


  • Successful delivery mantra – deliver once, deliver right

Customers want to receive their orders with the least amount of hassle. That is why they expect a guaranteed delivery date and a time slot of when the shipment is expected to arrive. 

  • Immediate rectification of a poor delivery experience

Even with various precautions, poor deliveries can sometimes happen. This can damage your brand reputation severely and therefore it is important to rectify such situations. Respond to your customer’s woes and take the necessary steps to straighten out the situation. 

In this journey of creating positive delivery experiences for your customers, your ecommerce courier service is your travel partner. Irrespective of the strategies you have developed and drafted unless you have the support of an efficient and reliable shipping partner, you cannot make them into a reality. To find courier services that provide faster shipping at cost-effective prices, use a shipping aggregator like ShipKaro. Offering integrated services with multiple couriers, ShipKaro lets you compare couriers and make an informed decision. This way, for every order you receive, you can find a reliable shipping partner for providing a high-quality delivery experience to your customer. 

So, what are the techniques you have employed so far? How has it worked out for you? Let us know in the comments.

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